1. Yang, F. H., T. Bian, X. C. Zhan, Z. Chen, Z. H. Xing, N. A. Larsen, X. F. Zhang, and Y. G. Shi. "Mechanisms of the Rna Helicases Ddx42 and Ddx46 in Human U2 Snrnp Assembly." [In English]. Article. Nature Communications 14, no. 1 (Feb 2023): 11 897.
北京时间2023年2月17日,西湖大学施一公团队在《自然-通讯》(Nature Communications)在线发表了题为“Mechanisms of the RNA helicases DDX42 and DDX46 in human U2 snRNP assembly”的最新研究论文,报道了DDX42-SF3b复合物和含有DDX42的U2 snRNP组装前体(DDX42-U2复合物)的高分辨率电镜结构,同时结合相关生化实验,阐释了RNA解旋酶DDX42和DDX46在U2 snRNP组装过程中的不同作用机制。
2. Huang, G. X. Y., C. Zeng, and Y. G. Shi. "Structure of the Nuclear Pore Complex Atomic." [In English]. Article. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 78 (Feb 2023): 8 102523.
3. Zhou, J. Y., Y. M. Wang, G. X. Y. Huang, M. Yang, Y. M. Zhu, C. Jin, D. Jing, K. Ji, and Y. G. Shi. "Lilrb3 Is a Putative Cell Surface Receptor of Apoe4." [In English]. Article. Cell Research 33, no. 2 (Feb 2023): 116-30.
4. Hou N, Shuai L, Zhang L, et al. Development of highly potent noncovalent inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro[J]. ACS central science, 2023, 9(2): 217-227.
原文链接:Development of Highly Potent Noncovalent Inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro | ACS Central Science