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1.Zhang R, Fang J, Qi T, et al. Maternal aging increases offspring adult body size via transmission of donut-shaped mitochondria[J]. Cell Research, 2023, 33(11): 821-834.

近日,西湖大学生命科学学院吴连锋、马仙珏和杨剑团队合作在 Cell Research 杂志发表了一篇题为 "Maternal aging increases offspring adult body size via transmission of donut-shaped mitochondria"的最新研究成果。该研究在线虫、果蝇和人类中得出了一致的结论:“母亲”的生育年龄会影响“孩子”成年后的身高等特征。研究团队使用模式生物线虫详细解析了这一现象背后的生物学机制。

原文链接:Maternal aging increases offspring adult body size via transmission of donut-shaped mitochondria | Cell Research (nature.com)

2.Wu Z, Liu D, Pan D, et al. Structure and engineering of miniature Acidibacillus sulfuroxidans Cas12f1[J]. Nature Catalysis, 2023, 6(8): 695-709.

原文链接:Structure and engineering of miniature Acidibacillus sulfuroxidans Cas12f1 | Nature Catalysis

3.Zhang M, Shan Y, Cox C D, et al. A mechanical-coupling mechanism in OSCA/TMEM63 channel mechanosensitivity[J]. Nature Communications, 2023, 14(1): 3943.

原文链接:A mechanical-coupling mechanism in OSCA/TMEM63 channel mechanosensitivity | Nature Communications

4.Guo M, Zhu Y, Lin Z, et al. Cryo-EM structure of the ssDNA-activated SPARTA complex[J]. Cell Research, 2023, 33(9): 731-734.

原文链接:Cryo-EM structure of the ssDNA-activated SPARTA complex | Cell Research (nature.com)