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2011.9 – 2013.6   北京科技大学,会计学,管理学硕士                                    

2007.9 – 2011.6   北京科技大学,会计学,管理学学士                                    


2022.6 至今        西湖大学生医中心显微成像平台 技术员

2019.7 – 2021.11   耶鲁大学   技术员


Donghyun Park, Samuel Steiner, Meng Shao, Craig R. Roy and Jun Liu, Developmental Transitions Coordinate Assembly of the Coxiellaburnetii Dot/lcm Type lV Secretion System. Infection and Immunity. 2022 Oct; 90(10): e00410-22. doi: 10.1128/iai.00410-22.


1.Anna Potapova, Wiliam Garvey, Peter Dahl, Shuaigi Guo, Yunie Chang, Carmen Schwechheimer, Michael A, Trebino, kyleA. Floyd, Brett S. Phinneys, Jun Liu, Nikhil S.Malvankar, Fitnat H. Yildiz, Outer membrane vesicles and the outer membrane proteinOmpU govern Vibrio cholerae bioflm matrix assembly. mBio. 2024 Feb 14;15(2):e0330423. doi: 10.1128/mbio.03304-23.

2.Qiu Zhong, Binyou Liao, jiazhen Liu , Wei shen, jing Wang, Leilei wer, Yansong Ma, Pu-Ting Dong, Batbileg Bor, jefrey s. McLean'i, Yunie Chang, wenyuan Shi, Lujia cen, Miaomiao wu, jun Liu, Yan Li, Xuesong He , and shuai Le, Episymbiotic Saccharibacteria TM7x modulates the susceptibilityof its host bacteria to phage infection and promotestheir coexistence. PNAS. 2024 Apr 16;121(16):e2319790121. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2319790121.

3.Erik L, Hendrickson, Batbileg Bor, Kristopher A, Kerns, Eleanor l, Lamont, yuniie Chang, Jun Liu, Lujia Cen, Fabian Schulte, Markus Hardt, Wenyuan Shi, Xuesong He, Jeffrey S. McLean, Transcriptome of Epibiont Saccharibacteria Nanosynbacter/yticus Strain TM7x During the Establishment of Symbiosis. Journal of Bacterioloy. 2022 Sep 20;204(9):e0011222. doi: 10.1128/jb.00112-22.

4.Lujia Cen, Yunjie Chang, Joseph K. Bedree, Yansong Ma, Qiu Zhong, Daniel R. Utter, Pu-Ting Dong, Renate Lux, Batbileg Bor, Jun Liu, Djeffrey S. McLean, Shuai Le, Xuesong He. Exploitation of a Bacterium-Encoded Lytic Transglycosylase by aHuman Oral Lytic Phage To Facilitate Infection. Journal of Virology. 2022 Sep 14;96(17):e0106322. doi: 10.1128/jvi.01063-22.

5.Shuai Huang, Shiwei Zhu, Pradeep Kumar & John D. MacMicking, A phase-separated nuclear GBPL circuit controls immunity in plants. Nature 2021 Jun;594(7863):424-429. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03572-6.