表面等离子共振分子相互作用仪(Biacore™ 1K)是一款高灵敏度的 SPR系统,可对小分子和生物药进行有效的筛选、表征分析、工艺优化以及质量控制。实时、无标记、活性分子互作分析,获得丰富的互作信息,如有无结合、结合的特异性和选择性、亲和力、结合和解离的快慢和复合体的稳定性(动力学)等的仪器。

蛋白纯化系统-ÄKTA™ pure micro,与传统的相比,该设备可显著提高实验的分辨率。微量收集滴头能够产生微小液体,实现微量体积分装收集。
a) 简单迅速启动:预编应用工艺,编程模板。
b) 全自动操作:从进样、编程、分离、峰收集、准确结果比较、数据处理以至打印报告皆自动化。
c) 人工智能:一百多根层析柱数据库,多种纯化方案。
d) 高效率功能:蛋白纯化量微克级以至百毫克级
e) 精确的全自动微量注射泵,双泵四泵头,每个泵头都有独立除气阀。

2025年3月19日 9:30-10:30 SPR-1K
2025年3月19日 10:35-11:30 micro-akta
Dear all,
Biacore™ 1K is a one needle, six flow-cell platform that transforms interaction analysis using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) — making it simpler and faster to use without compromising data quality.
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) is an optical technique used to measure molecular interactions in real time. SPR can occur when plane-polarized light hits a metal film under total internal reflection conditions. SPR signal is directly dependent on the refractive index of the medium on the sensor chip. The binding of biomolecules results in changes in the refractive index on the sensor surface. In an SPR experiment, one molecule (the Ligand) is immobilized on a sensor chip and binding to a second molecule (the Analyte) is measured under flow. Response is measured in resonance units (RU) and is proportional to the mass on the surface. For any given interactant, the response is proportional to the number of molecules bound to the surface. Response is recorded and displayed as a sensogram in real time. SPR experiments can be used to measure kinetic binding constants (ka, kd) and equilibrium binding constants (affinity, Ka = 1/Kd)

The protein purification system - ÄKTA™ pure micro compared to conventional ones, the device significantly increases the resolution of experiments. Microcollection drippers produce tiny liquids for microvolume aliquots.
Technical parameters of the equipment:
1. With fluorescence and ultraviolet visible detector;
2. Able to isolate and purify biological macromolecules, study the structural dynamics of proteins, drug targets, and qualitative observation of protein expression
3. Features:
a) Simple and quick start-up: pre-programmed application processes, programming templates.
b) Fully automated operation: from injection, programming, separation, peak collection, accurate result comparison, data processing to printing reports.
c) Artificial intelligence: database of more than 100 chromatography columns, multiple purification schemes.
d) High efficiency function: protein purification amount of micrograms to 100 milligrams
e) Precise fully automatic microsyringe pump, double pump and four pump heads, each pump head has independent degassing valve.

The training for the above two devices will be conducted on March 19, 2025. Due to limited space and time, please scan the QR code above and reply to the email to confirm your attendance so that we can arrange accordingly. The specific schedule is as follows:
Hands-on operation time:
• March 19, 2025, 9:30-10:30: SPR-1K
• March 19, 2025, 10:35-11:30: micro-akta
Hands-on operation location: Room 224, Building 1, Yunxi Campus