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流式细胞分选仪 Sony MA9000


The MA900 offers choice and flexibility, enabling the detection of up to 14 parameters. Choose from 4 excitation lasers—488 nm, 405 nm, 561 nm, and 638 nm—on two beam spots. Free-form PMTs enable detection of fluorescence signals from each beam spot, allowing detection of two scatter parameters and up to 12 fluorescence parameters: FL1:B525/50,FITC; FL2:YG585/30,PE; FL3:YG617/30,PE-Texas/PI; FL4:B695/50,PerCP-Cy5.5; FL5:YG785/60,PE-Cy7; FL6:V450/50,BV421/DAPI; FL7:V525/50,BV510; FL8:V585/30,BV570; FL9:V617/30,BV605; FL10:V665/30,BV650/APC; FL11:V720/60,APC-R700; FL12:V785/60,APC-Cy7/H7.